Kingswells Village Litter Pick
5th litter pick scheduled for Kingswells community
The 5th big Kingswells Litter Pick is scheduled to take place on Saturday 8th April 2017 between 11am-3pm meeting at the Roundabout at Wellside Avenue. All residents, locals and visitors are encouraged and welcome to join in the big clean up – your support and help would be much appreciated!
Aberdeen City Council will provide litter picking tongs, gloves, bags and vests. If anyone you know works, or lives in Kingswells area, your support would be much appreciated and makes a huge difference to Kingswells.
Prime Four play an active part in litter picking on a daily basis and our team will pay particular attention to the new entrance on the C89 and surrounding verges at the lights. We will continue with our efforts and have circulated the information in advance of the pick. If you are able to join in and support this community initative, please meet at the Roundabout at Wellside Avenue at 11am. For further details visit www.kingswells.com
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