Prime Four’s C-Fine Fundraising Page
Supporting C-Fine – how can we help?
Following the success of last year’s C-Fine food bank donations by the businesses operating within Prime Four, food bins were due to be introduced again from April 2020, on a rota basis, for the rest of the year. Given the current situation however, this has had to be postponed until further notice. Many families and individuals in the North East rely on help from C-Fine anyway and the Coronavirus outbreak has affected foodbank stocks, causing a severe shortage of basic food and non-food goods. The number of people in need of support has increased due to job losses as a result of the Pandemic. This ongoing situation means it is more important than ever that we help protect the most vulnerable members of our community. Demand for support will increase in the coming weeks. So, what can we do to help? We have created a Prime Four Fundraiser Page in order for cash donations to be made easily, and help us to see how we are contributing to C-Fine’s efforts. Your donations will allow the charity to purchase food and essential personal items which can then be distributed to those who most require it. What can your donation do?
- £5 supplies a family with emergency food and toiletries and gives access to financial capability support
- £50 can provide a four- week block of ‘Cooking-on-a-Budget’ classes for low income individuals and families
- £250 allows C-Fine to deliver one tonne of food to community organisations across the North East
For more information on C-Fine, please click here.
We have set a target to raise £4,000 over the coming months. We have in excess of 2,000 people working at Prime Four, a donation of £2.00 each would make a huge difference to those in need of help. Please give generously. Thank you in advance for your support.
The Prime Four Management
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