GEF Safari Series ended on a high at Prime Four in the final race of the series. A crisp, but sunny morning made for great racing conditions and this was certainly reflected in participants race results. 108 entrants and 30 volunteers made it possible for the Prime Four race to raise a fantastic £1,335!
Andy Dickinson, who works at Apache at Prime Four, took part in the race said ‘My wife and I ran in the Gathimba Edwards Safari Series 3Km race. The event was superbly organised, with numerous volunteers and signage clearly indicating, parking, registration and race route. It was a cold, clear, sunny morning and initial concerns about possible slippery sections were eliminated due to the thorough salting of the route. The route consists of 3 laps, which was helpful as you knew what to expect and how to pace yourself for laps 2 and 3. Encouragement from Myles and numerous spectators helped us achieve times that were better than we expected. This and in addition, knowing that you were helping people in need in Kenya, made this a highly satisfying event and I would encourage anyone, irrespective of their running level, to participate at the next opportunity.’

Congratulations to the following leopard themed trophy winners:
Kids 1k: 1st boy, Liam Miller. 1st girl, Hayleigh Reid (Hayleigh won all 3 of the 2023 series races!)
3k: 1st male, Kyle Gibson. 1st female: Tammy Wilson.

All race results, photos, money raised and 2024 race date information can be found here.
The impact of the funds raised from the series will go towards the £4,000 required to build a new home for Francis, Abigael and their grandmother who currently sleep under an umbrella in their house (see photos below).

2024 series
The 2024 race dates and details will be released shortly so if you missed out this year or are keen to do it all again next year then look out for the info here. However, there are other ways you can make a difference or get involved with some non-running related GEF events and initiatives coming up:
Xmas Fair – Sunday 26th November 2023 – as part of this we have photographer Tony Jones kindly doing Christmas photo shoots for families and individuals for a £20 donation – please email us if you’d like to book.
Cinema Sunday (The Lion King) – 18th Feb 2024
10 Year Anniversary Dinner – Saturday 18th May 2024 – tickets, tables and sponsorship packages are available.
This Christmas the foundation aims to provide every family they support in Kenya with a special food package. More info and how to donate can found here.