Lives saved…

10 March 2025

A full turnout made for our most successful blood donation session to date, meaning we surpassed the session target! We can’t thank everyone enough for their time… and blood.

Blood demand is unpredictable and even differs with each blood type. For example O- blood can be given to patients with all blood types. AB+ can only be given to patients with AB+. To be ready to help patients in all Scottish hospitals, whenever they need it, the aim is to stock six days’ worth of each blood type at all times.

Blood has a very short shelf life and can’t be stockpiled, so every day donors are depended on to help maintain blood stocks.

The journey of donated blood

The blood you give is taken directly to the nearest processing and testing laboratories, where it is separated into three components – red blood cells, platelets and plasma.

All donations are tested for viruses such as HIV and hepatitis, which can be passed from donor to patient. It’s rare for a donation to test positive, but if it does, we contact the donor as soon as possible and offer confidential advice. However, if everything is in order, we label your donation and send it out for use across Scotland.

Blood must be available 24/7 throughout Scotland, including the most remote areas. Therefore, your blood will be sent to one of 28 blood banks across the country, where it will be refrigerated until use. Blood has a shelf life of 35 days and platelets can only be used for up to seven days, while fresh frozen plasma can be kept for up to three years. Careful management of hospital stocks and rapid, frequent delivery systems are essential for maximising the use of blood.

Blood is a precious, perishable resource and while new ways of using it means it helps more patients than ever before, there will always be a need to replenish supplies. When you give blood, you’re doing something amazing – and we hope you’ll keep doing it.

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