Banchory beast tamed for another year!
Thousands tame the toughest beast yet.
The 2017 Prime Four Beast Race at Banchory marks the fourth year the business park has sponsored Scotland’s most brutal 10k obstacle event.
This weekend saw over 2500 participants run fearlessly through the toughest ever course to successfully “tame the beast”. Challengers endured gruelling hill climbs and beastly bogs before hitting a frenzy of wicked obstacles to then plunge, one last time into the icy waters of Knockburn Loch.
Significant changes were made to this years course after previous participants called for the challenges to be ratcheted up several notches, and their call was heard! The courses new layout featured a total of 30 obstacles including 9 brand new to the course. Despite it being dubbed the toughest year yet, Swaid Worms took this years winners title finishing in just 51mins 42sec a whopping 32sec faster than last years winning time!!! Tabitha Shepperson took the title of fastest female finishing with an amazing time of 1hr 5min 36sec.
Teams and participants from Nexen, Lloyds Register, Transocean, Anderson Anderson Brown, OneSubsea, Apache, Maersk, PremierOil, Statoil, our Jog Scotland group and the Prime Four personal trainers all took on this years beast.
As our newest tenants on the park Lloyds Register arrived this year with a new team and plenty of fighting spirit.
Tamed – The boys from Lloyds Register leaving no man behind… or did one leave them behind, every man for himself!!
Over the last four years Nexen have dawned many a flamboyant outfit to take on the beast. This year they tossed aside the florescent too-toos and mean business.
Beasted – Team Nexen broke the beast for another year.
It was great to see the Anderson Anderson Brown team once again, having participated for the past two years since they moving to the park in the summer of last year.
Smashed it – it was smiles all the way round with team AAB.
Colleagues from across the Prime Four Park also did their bit to successfully break this years beast. It was the first time for some but many were returning for a second, third and fourth time! OneSubsea’s Rich Fulton returned for his fourth year and was impressed with the new, tougher course “This one was the toughest yet but still very enjoyable. I love that there is slight changes to the course every year and that keeps the appeal. I would say that I have found every year slightly tougher than the previous. I have attended every one since the start and I intend to keep that going.”
As part of Prime Four’s sponsorship, colleagues at any of the companies located at the Kingswells site, have benefitted from a range of free activities including 3,000 hours of training across 600 classes including Boot Camp, Circuits, Yoga, Metafit, a JogScotland Running Group, and the Prime Four Bleep Test.
This all fits within Prime Four’s principle objective which is to, “bring life to work.”
Raring To Go – JogScotland group ready for action
Broke It – The two Lynne’s from Prime Four Personal Training showing this years beast who’s boss
Prime Four Beast Race’s official charity partner is Chest Heart & Stroke Scotland (CHSS), for which over £178,000 has been raised so far by Beast Race participants, including nearly £50,000 this year, almost a 40% increase from last years total. We’re expecting that number will rise significantly after all funds are totalled for this year’s race.
Congratulations to all who “tamed the beast” this year!!
Jono Buckland, director at organisers FireTrail Events comments:
“The competitors told us they wanted it tougher, so we made Prime Four Beast Race tougher. A lot tougher. For thousands of people it really was a chance to break the beast. If someone at your work today was taking part you might want to go easy on them, as they’ve been through a lot.
Fife Hyland, communications director at Drum Property Group, developers of Prime Four adds:
“That was a brilliant Prime Four Beast Race at Banchory. We were so pleased to see yet another significant growth in entry numbers. Everyone took on the challenge of a new-look course with real enthusiasm and spirit and we’re delighted to see the event was another roaring success.”
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