The community
Prime Four is an integral part of the local area, enhancing and providing new amenities and benefits for the surrounding Kingswells community.
Extensive consultation with the local community in Kingswells began in 2011 and helped shape the services developed as part of ‘The Fourcourt’ – the high-class amenities hub within Prime Four. A nursery, a deli, a Starbucks and an Urban Bar & Grill all surround the full-service four-star Village Urban Resort hotel with conferencing and leisure facilities (including a fully equipped health club, swimming pool and spa) are all now used extensively by local residents. The Fourcourt is the central point for Park events providing a sense of community, interaction and a buzzing social area. The Fourcourt amenities are all located in close proximity to the local suburb of Kingswells, making them highly accessible for residents.
The Prime Four Community Trust was also established to benefit local charitable groups operating in the Kingswells’ Community Council Area. Funding for the Trust provided through Drum Property Group and is administered through Foundation Scotland with all decisions being made via the Community Trust Panel. Kingswells Community Council oversaw the recruitment of the local Community Panel and the final make-up of the Panel included representatives of the Community Council and local groups and interested individuals who reside in the area.